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step into the power of your life force energy

The purpose of Rage Club is to change your relationship to anger, so you can consciously, productively and responsibly use its energy and information in your daily life, without being possessed or overwhelmed by it.

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Old map of feelings

Anger is a negative feeling!

Anger is dangerous, loud, embarrassing, uncivilized!

People will leave me if I am angry.

New map of feelings

My anger helps me set clear boundaries.

The fire of my anger allows me to create whatever I want!

Councious anger allows me to create more authentic relationships.

My anger is the indicator for what is important to me.

.Team work .

Hannah monnin

There is a potential and power deep within every human being. I'm in the process of rediscovering and trusting mine and excited about what is still left to be unfold!

As many others I am very concerned about what is happening on planet earth and besides building new sustainable systems I am passionate about inner change and the dimension of cultural transformation.

People who reclaim their power and voice can make a change if they collaborate and cocreate!

Cloé Crettaz

Rage Club has been the beginning of a transformative path for me. Realising in how many ways I had been denying myself by swallowing it down was devastating at first, but the Rage Club offered me a safe space to get back in touch with my inner fire.

Rage work has become part of my life, to feel myself, set my boundaries and live in intergrity.

Here is a link to an article I wrote about my experince.

.Legends .

"Quite a few times in the check-in I and others have felt tired and would have actually preferred to sit on the couch having a quiet night... and then in the check-out I felt amazingly refreshed and happy, very connected to myself and the others in the group. And it felt so meaningful."

Nicola Scheibitz

Rage Club Participant in Ravensburg, Germany

"I want to say that I feel so much love and gratitude for the work that you do. Since my session with Daniel, the Rage Club and Fear Club, I feel more embodied and more aware of what’s shifting for me. I have been able to go deeper into my trauma like I haven’t done before on the physical level (just as the spiral of healing you mentioned yesterday)."

Breath worker

Rage Club (and Fear Club) participant in London, UK

© 2023 made by Cloé Crettaz
All rights given. Please copy and share anything that inspires you on this website.

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